Question 1- Who gave the cognitive theory of intelligence.
Answer - JeanPage.

Question 2- Who gave the theory of emotional development of intelligence.
Answer - Golman.

Question 3- Who gave the structure theory of intelligence.
Answer - Eigenk.

Question 4- What is the most delicate and sensitive problem of adolescent.
Answer - Sexual problems.

Question 5- After which stage of human development a person becomes mature.
Answer - After adolescence.

Question 6- Which stage is the most suitable for using different methods of teaching.
Answer - Childhood.

Q7- A strong feeling like who am I, what am I, etc. indicates the stage of development of the child.
Answer - Adolescence.

Q8- Development is a never ending process. To what theory is this idea related?
Answer: The principle of continuity.

Q9- Education psychology is a science.
Answer - Human behavior.

Question 10- There is a progressive change in the development animal which is constantly directed towards certain goals. Whose statement is this.
Answer - Drewer.


Question 11- Who gave the principle of learning.
Answer - Thorndike!

Question 12- Who is the father of sports practice?
Answer - Kill Patrick!

Question 13- Who is the father of heuristic method?
Answer - Arm Strong!

Question 14- Who is the father of the project method?
Answer - Janadevi.

Question 15- How many are temporary human teeth.
Answer - 20.

Question 16- How much does the baby's brain weigh.
Answer - About 350 grams.

Question 17- What is the weight of human brain.
Answer - about 1400 grams.

Question 18- Who founded Genepia in Geneva.
Answer - founded the Lavortree School in which he did many experiments of psychology.

Question 19- What is the name of the book composed by JeanPyaz.
Answer - The Language and
That of the Child, he wrote this book in 1923.


Question 20- JeanPage told how much of the child's state keeping cognitive development in mind.
Answer - GenePage gave the child 4 stages keeping in mind cognitive development.
1. Sensory dynamic state (from birth to 2 years)
2. Pre- operative phase (from 2 to 7 years)
3. Solid / tangible operative phase (from 7 to 11 years)
4. Formal operational stage (from 11 to 18 years)

Question 21- Four distinct stages of intellectual development in children were identified.
Answer - By Piaget.

Question 22- Development is a never ending process. To whom is this idea related?
Answer - The principle of continuity.

Question 23- Which of the following should be considered the most important feature in a teacher at primary level.
Answer - Patience and perseverance.

Question 24- In the answer system, the child starts to understand the change in the essential elements of physical objects.
Answer - Mass, Number and Area.
child pedagogy question

Question 25- By the end of the second year, the baby's word gets stored.
Answer - 100 words.

Question 26- At what stage does the feeling of shame and pride develop?
Answer: Balayavastha.

Question 27- According to Mcdougall, who is the impulse of the original curiosity.
Answer - Wonder.

Question 28- Childhood stage.
Answer - Up to 12 years.

Question 29- is the field of physical development.
Answer - Steamosphere

Question 30- Considered a state of thoughtless thought.
Answer - 4 to 7 years.


Question 31- Triumvirate of intelligence - Who gave the point principle?
Answer - Stern class.
He divided the intellect into three parts.
1. analytical intelligence
2. practical intelligence
3. creative intelligence

Question 32- According to Jeanpiaje what is intelligence.
Answer - According to Jeanpiaje, intelligence is the process of adapting to the environment.

Question 33- According to Alfred Bine, describe the type of intelligence.
Answer - According to Alfred Binne the intellect is made up of four words.
1. Knowledge
2. Invention
3. Instruction
4. Criticism

Question 34- According to Terman what is the definition of intelligence.
Answer - According to Terman - intelligence is the ability to think about abstract ideas.

Question 35- According to Sterne what is the definition of intelligence.
Answer - According to Sterne - intelligence is a general ability. By which a person adjusts to new circumstances.

Question 36- According to Buckingham what is the definition of intelligence.
Answer - According to Buckingham, the power to learn is intelligence.

Question 37- According to Wessler what is the definition of intelligence.
Answer - According to Wessler, intelligence is the collective ability to perform an action, to think logically, to adjust with the environment.

Question 38- Generally, what is the type of intelligence.
Answer - Generally there are three types of intelligence.
1. Intangible intelligence
2. Tangible intelligence (mechanical intelligence)
3. Social intelligence

Question 39- Which is called mechanical intelligence or gross intelligence.
Answer - Tangible intelligence.

Question 40- According to Spear Man what is the definition of intelligence.
Answer: According to Spear Man, intelligence is the ability to think logically.


Question 41- What is the cause of child crime?
Answer - 1. Heredity
2. Non-fulfillment of personal needs
3. Physical defects - Such children become criminals due to inferiority complex.
4. Disturbance of home environment.
5. Due to frustration
6. High love of grandparents
7. Level poor entertainment 
8. Parents being poor
9. Partisan behavior
10. Divorce of parents etc.

Question 42- What is the treatment of child criminals.
Answer - 1. Psychological law
2. Sociological method
3. Statutory law

Question 43- What are the problematic children.
Answer - Children whose behavior is such an unusual thing due to which they become problematic children. Such as -
1.Arriving late in orbit 
2. Running away from school
3. Talking more in class
4. Being more active
5. Do not bring homework
6. Do not pay attention in studies in orbit

Question 44- How can the problem of children be overcome by the teacher?
Answer - 1. The teacher should segregate such children separately and sit at the forefront.
2. The teacher should find out the cause of the problem of the child and solve the problem.
3. Teachers should go to the homes of such children and find out their problems.
Question 45- What are the 4 elements of creativity described by Gilford.
Answer - 1. Elasticity
2. Originality
3. Differentiality
4. Discontinuity

Question 46- Scientific Good gave how many elements of creativity.
Answer - Scientific Good gave the five elements of creativity which are as follows.
1. Originality
2. Compatibility
4. Contemplation of ideas
5. Carcass and diverse

Question 47- What are the key elements of creativity.
Answer - 1. Originality
2. Innovation
4. Expansion ability
5. Divergence

Question 48- What is the characteristics of creative children.
Answer - 1. Creative children are of curious nature.
2. Creative children have high ambitions.
3. The ideas of creative children are wide ranging.
4. Sensitization is found more in creative children.
5. Concentration is found in creative children.

Question 49- Who said that man is a social animal.
Answer - Aristotle!

Question 50- Which is the first school for socialization of a child.
Answer - First - Home and Family
Second - Playground
Third - School